Thursday, October 1, 2009

With no kids and no wife, there are no rules to this life.

You know how there is a time in your life where a decision needs to be made? I'm there. The trouble with making such a decision now versus 5 years ago is that there were no other options for me. I had nowhere to go except putting myself in a new situation.

When I was a young 22, I was immature. Naive. Stupid to the world. Easily fooled and afraid. Nevertheless, I was ready for a failure. I was ready for mistakes. I put myself out there; thinking the best possibility for me was to experience more. The only problem was that my cord was still connected to home. I had no desire to mature because of my safety net. I was a young 22 year-old. Too young to value education. Too young to value a good time. I had too much weight on what other people thought. It held me back. As if to go forward always second guessing my own steps.

I was going to school for the wrong reasons. I wanted to just get away from Olympia and Lacey. I just wanted out of my own life. Experience and meeting new people without seeing the importance of learning.

You become humbled when you lose your love, your job, your desire and your way, and your overall self-esteem. Living in Idaho was the best thing I've ever done. There I lost a lot. There I gained much.

Do I love journalism? No. Do I love sports? Yes. Do I love writing? Always. But sometimes the best of both loves don't always mix well.

Back then I was certain, so certain that journalism was my passion, only to find that it isn't. People must have a more acute eye for it. I didn't. I just had a passion of writing about sports. Not covering the day-to-day aspect of it.

Do I want to continue a path of working for small newspapers? No. And if the new direction I want yields new doors, which way do I want to go? Will I stay in communications? A masters degree perhaps? Or do I want something new all together? That's the conundrum I am faced with on a day-to-day basis.

Do I have a desire for communications? And if I do, which field? The more I grow and the more I mature, the more desire I have to do greater things with my life. I'm not yet 30. I still have room for a career change.

With no kids. No wife. There are no rules to this life.

I have nobody telling me to do this or that.

I have no obligations to refer to.

Nothing to hold me back.

I've lived and learned. I've written for a newspaper and written for magazines and have seen the true competitiveness of it all.

If I go into teaching, which direction shall I lean? I enjoy kids. I enjoy the value of teaching and I understand it in full now. And if teaching is the road that I choose, which minor shall I possess? One minor seems not enough. Two seems good. History? Nutrition? Photo-journalism? Communications? Radio? All of which sounds good, I want to dip into everything now.

But how do I do it all without becoming a career student? Is that even a profession? We will see. I shall meditate on this more.

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